
NS Flex Weekend Vrij: I was double charged!

  • 29 April 2024
  • 4 reacties
  • 108 Bekeken

Hi there,

I was double-charged for the NS Flex Weekend Vrij product. I paid via the NS website from my bank account, with 26.21 Euros deducted. However, when I went to the OV chip card machine to load the product - as instructed in the email - another amount was deducted from my OV chip card, totaling 26.96 Euros.

I received two emails about these payments, both related to the product Weekend Vrij. Would you please check everything and refund the double-charged amount? 

Online chat service is so busy and cannot contact any agent, I will appreciate your assistance. 


Thank you!  



Beste antwoord door Isitimela 29 April 2024, 10:39

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4 reacties

Reputatie 6
Badge +1

The € 29,96 that was deducted from your OV chip card, was the balance on your card. Since you have an NS Flex subscription, you will now get an invoice for your travels, and you won’t need the balance anymore.

This will be credited on your next invoice.

Reputatie 6
Badge +1

The € 29,96 that was deducted from your OV chip card, was the balance on your card. Since you have an NS Flex subscription, you will now get an invoice for your travels, and you won’t need the balance anymore.

This will be credited on your next invoice.

Where I said € 29,96, I meant € 26,96. 

Hi there Isitimela,thank you for your answer, but that is exactly my question, so I need more clarification.

The issue is that I paid for NS Flex Weekend Vrij through my bank account (26.21 Eur). Why was another 26.96 Eur deducted from my OV chip card?

Nowhere is it written that this extra amount will be deducted for an already paid product! Could you please clarify about the refund? Also, what do you mean by invoice? I already have 2 invoices for the same product; one is from, and one is from Ovchip card.

Please assist. Thank you!



The issue is that I paid for NS Flex Weekend Vrij through my bank account (26.21 Eur). Why was another 26.96 Eur deducted from my OV chip card?

Nowhere is it written that this extra amount will be deducted for an already paid product! Could you please clarify about the refund? Also, what do you mean by invoice? I already have 2 invoices for the same product; one is from, and one is from Ovchip card.

With NS Flex you you get a monthly invoice afterwards. So you cannot use the remaining balance on your card anymore and therefore that money was removed from the card when you installed Flex on your card. The money will be returned to you via the next Flex invoice.
